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On Becoming a Cyborg 


Boston game designer Zoe Quinn recently underwent a body modification process that involved placing a small magnet inside of her finger. The question you might have is, well, "why". In the question and answer section at the bottom of the post she elaborates on what the magnet lets her feel, even before its fully healed. 


"As a game developer already it’s really goddamned cool to be able to *feel* the tools I make art with. Even in the minor ways it’s already working, I feel more than ever that the computers I pour code and art into are extensions of myself, and that’s pretty goddamned cool in my book." 


Pretty goddamn cool indeed. 


In the post below, taken directly from her Tumblr, she discusses her personal experiences with body modification, the process of the procedure, and how it has affected her since. 


                                                                                       - Jordan 

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